Funny Safety Quotes

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I'm not going to lie.  Safety is not always the most exciting subject.  However,  here is a great list of safety related quotes and safety slogans to help keep things interesting, but always remember that safety is no joke.  With that said, let's have some safety related fun.

• Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your pay check
• Your wife will spend your 401K; If you get killed at work today
• Safety…Did it, done it, doing it tomorrow
• Watch your step - it could be your last tomorrow
• Those precious fingers don’t ignore. . . Or they could end up on the floor
• Your reward for working safely today.
• Those who work the safest way- live to see another day
• Get in high speed pursuit of safety
• Seat Belts are for kids - Hug them at home - Belt them in the car
• Safe crane operation is uplifting
• Pencils have erasers–mishaps don’t!
• Work safe today–heaven can wait.
• Safety is a mission not an intermission
• Safety doesn’t happen by accident
• A spill, a slip, a hospital trip 
• Falling objects can be brutal if you don’t protect your noodle
• Safety glasses: All in favor say “Eye!”
• It’s easier to ask a dumb question than it is to fix a dumb mistake
• Safety isn’t a hobby, it’s a living.
• Safety - A small investment for a rich future
• Safety is no accident
• Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy
• Let’s all keep our heads, and other body parts, together
• While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work
• Quench the thirst – safety first
• When you gamble with safety you bet your life
• The stupid shall be punished
• Chance takers are accident makers
• Safety is a full time job; don’t make it a part time practice
• The door to Safety swings on the hinges of common sense
• Is better to lose one minute in life… than to lose life in a minute.
• Safety — a small investment for a rich future
• Your first mistake could be your last
• Safety isn’t expensive it’s priceless.
• Safety is as simple as ABC…Always Be Careful
• Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches
• Knock out…accidents
• If you mess up, ‘fess up
• Hard hats, they’re not just for decoration
• If you don’t think it will happen to you, find the person who had it happen to them
• Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.
• One bad day at the grinder could ruin your whole life
• Shortcuts cut life short

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